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Article's author: Evgenia Sabitskaya
Published: 2012-08-21
Reviews: 8912
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Lenin Monument.

Lenin Monument | Monuments and Sculptures | Vitebsk - AttractionsLenin monument in the city of Vitebsk is unique because it is Vitebsk citizens who immediately after the death of this great revolutionary, made a proposal to erect a monument to the leader of Socialism. So this is the first monument to the leader in full height in Belarus and one of the first in the USSR. It is still standing not touched by time on the city square.

For the first time they talked about construction of the pedestal at a meeting of the City Council on January 24, 1924. The decision was made quickly, opening ceremony of the monument, a new sight of Vitebsk, was already held on November 7, 1930. They set a figure of the leader cast from lead on a small pedestal with the right hand raised. During the parades the monument was used as a stage from which speeches were made about the bright future of socialism. Lenin monument is considered to be the main monuments in Vitebsk.

However, in 1942, during the occupation, the Nazis, who took the city of Vitebsk, blew up Lenin monument in Vitebsk. The invaders cast the remaining lead fragments into pucks to play hockey. The Nazis, blowing up monuments of the city, wanted to destroy the unique culture of Vitebsk.

Lenin Monument | Monuments and Sculptures | Vitebsk - AttractionsModern Lenin monument in Vitebsk was set in 1956. The project is designed by sculptor G.Arapova and architect P.Yurchenko. The monument is a sculpture figure of Lenin 4.4 meters height, located on a tetrahedral pedestal 5.2 meters height with a step stylobate, faced with polished granite. It features Lenin preparing to make a speech, he holds a traditional cap in his right hand, and pulls forward the left hand, as if pointing the way to the promised better future. In one of the plates it is engraved "Lenin" in Belarusian.

Lenin Square, where the monument is located, is one of those places that is definitely worth to see in Vitebsk. Here stands the building of Vitebsk Philharmonic Hall, one of the most popular places to learn about the culture of Vitebsk.

And the exhibits of Shmyrev museum and old birches of Partisan Glory Park located nearby will tell about historical Vitebsk during the war of 1941-1945.

More information about other, no less significant monuments of Vitebsk can be found on portal about Vitebsk, VitebskCity.by.